"Would You like to find out more about Lake Garda History?"
If you're into History you will find this section very interesting. The Lake Garda History is extremely fascinating and goes way back in time. You'll find out how the Lake was created back in the ice ages,
and why it formed into it's particular axe-shape. We'll also briefly go over past battles and ruins around the lake.
This area is very rich in history and has more than enough to keep any budding historian happy.

So...Are you ready for Lake Garda History to be revealed?
Formation of Lake Garda
The Lake was formed in the Quaternary Ice Ages by a huge glacier. Find out how
the formation of Lake Garda
by this glacier made it into the shape
it's in, and how it caused the fertility of the soil to be so rich around the Lake.

Statistics of Lake Garda
We've researched all the
Stats of Lake Garda
including the size, depth, and circumference of this largest Italian lake.
Remains and Ruins
The first people to settle at Lake Garda (Brescia) did so at about 4000 B.C. and the Romans also had a significant presence in this area. You can find more about the ancient Roman remains and why the Roman flocked to the famous spa found at Sirmione. There are also many other
Lake Garda remains and ruins to explore.
Wars & Battles
Read more about Napolean and when and why he was in this area. Learn about how the Red Cross was formed as a result of one of the many Lakeside battles. Find out more about the
infamous battle of Solferino where 40,000 soldiers lost their lives in 1859. Also why was Lake Garda such as important place in the history of Mussolini?
Discover how so many different countries have occupied land around the lake, which has influenced how Lake Garda is today. Yes in fact the
Lake Garda history of its' battles
is so significant, it has even affected how the whole of Italy is today!
Other interesting Facts
Did you know that one of the classical musical instruments was first invented in a town on the lake.
Limone literally means lemon and although the town didn't originally get its' name from the fruit it is very apt as a discovery in 1979 would prove. Until 1931 Limone was only accessible by boat which also lead to
a famous medical discovery due to the diet of its' inhabitants.
There are many other interesting
Lake Garda historical facts.
What is your most fascinating historic fact about Lake Garda?
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