"Lake Garda kite surfing is really exhilarating! If you love water sports, then why not give it a go!"
This sport is relatively new, but Lake Garda kite surfing is taking off with a vengeance! It's a good workout too and there are plenty of tricks to master. Take note, however, that it is not allowed in Trentino, so you can't do it right at the very top of the lake (look at the roadmap...the boundary is shown by the dashed lines).

Lake Garda kite surfing

If you've not seen it before, then prepare to be amazed as surfers do massive jumps in the air, often performing incredible moves before hitting the water again. These guys can get a pretty good speed up too, as the strong winds propel along the lake. Campione, a small town on the opposite shore from Malcesine, seems to be one of the most popular places to do kite surfing from. Surfers often go across the lake from here to Malcesine, and then loop back again. You can also kite surf from Limone, a little further up the west side of the lake.

Hotels and schools that cater for kite surfers can now be found at Lake Garda. You can rent gear and take lessons at many of these places.
There are beginner, intermediate, advanced and private lessons available. Some of the bigger setups even have their own rescue boats, and facilities for repair and storage.

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